Entries searched:
Gene/Event Cancer Type Patient Variant Mutation Level
FERMT3 Carcinosarcoma of the uterus and ovary p009_SAR24 - Private mutation
FERMT3 Colorectal Cancer p104_UC02 p.F553F Branch mutation
FERMT3 Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma p124_ESCC027 p.L130L Private mutation
FERMT3 Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma p124_ESCC032 p.P487P Private mutation
FERMT3 Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma p128_P09 Chr11:63990923:G>C Private mutation
FERMT3 Medulloblastoma p072_MB7 Chr11:63978675:T>G Branch mutation
FERMT3 Renal Cell Carcinoma p073_RCC5 Chr11:63974846:A>G Trunk mutation
FERMT3 Urothelial Carcinoma p031_WCM259 p.E283D Private mutation
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