How To Use |
1. Search by paper |
2. Search by tool |
3. Search by func |
4. Browse the workflow |
5. Benchmark |
6. Statistics |
7. Contact |
1. Search by paper |
A. Click Search. There will be showing three options: Search by Paper, Search by Tools and Search by Func. Click Search by paper. Users can see the interface below. (see ②) B. Users can search information trough key words. C. Show the information in each publication. And click each row, users can see more details. (see ③) D. Clinical information in each publication. E. Links to the original publications. F. Show the specific settings, functions, parameters in each tool or key note in every publication. A '-' mark indicates data not available. G. The detail of this study.
2. Search by tools |
A. Users can search tools through their related key words.B. Show the brief information of each tools. Click each row, users can see more details.(see ②) C. We use the impact factors and citations to bring into mathematical formula to calculate a value. The value is proportional to impact factors and citations which will facilitate users to select the most appropriate tools. D. Functions of analysis tool.E. Show more details about tools (e.g. Code Repository, Functions, Descriptions etc.)
3. Search by func
A. Click 'Alignment' will see the all available tools (see ②) B. Click each row will show more details about tools.
4. Browse the workflow
In the interface of Browse, there are two parts: 1) Search the single-cell publications by cancer type. 2) Scan the common process of single-cell data analysis. A. Click Browse. B. Search publications by cancer type. C. Go through the workflow of single-cell data analysis. Each step we provide avaliable tools. Click 'Reads Alignment' will see the tools. (see ②)
5. Benchmark
In this page, users can search the function modules which benchmarked by different researchers. A.Click Benchmark. B.Different Categories in single-cell analysis. C.In some study, it gives recommended tools. D.The benchmark process, it contains the code, the datasets and figures.(see ①)
6. Statistics
Here users can see the statistics analysis. (see ①)
7. Contact
If you have any problems, please contact us.
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