Patient ID: |    p137_p22 |
Age: |    33 |
Gender: |    F |
Cancer Description: |    Pathological type:Ductal |
Sample Location: |    primary tumor,Liver |
Tumor Stage: |    - |
TNM Stage: |    - |
Treatment: |     chemoT, hormonoT, trastuzumab |
Tumor Purity: |     general >50%; Text statement: Inclusion criteria were: women, invasive breast carcinoma treated at the Institut Paoli-Calmettes, available frozen samples of both primary tumor and paired metastasis, tumor cellularity of at least 50% as assessed by one pathologist (ECJ) on tumor sections before DNA extraction. |
Sample Sequencing:    | Whole exome, whole genome sequencing |
PMID:    | 27028851 |
Data Sources:    | Supplementary Table S2 |
Journal:    | Oncotarget |
Published:    | 2016 May 10 |
Sequencing Platform:    | Illumina MiSeq |
Pipeline/Software:    | align:BWA(hg19); SNVs calling:FreeBayes version 0.9.9; GATK; ANNOVAR; visualization:IGV; statistical:R-package pvclust; |
●The samples from a single patient are used to generate phylogenetic tree.●The schematic diagram is adapted from the original figure in the article.
●Trunk mutation: Alterations shared by all samples/regions, possibly occurred early in tumorigenesis. ●Branch mutation: Alterations shared by a subset of samples or regions, possibly occurred later in tumorigenesis. ●Private mutation: Alterations present in only one sample/region of the tumor, possibly occurred later in tumorigenesis. ●Branch lengths are proportional to the number of mutations separating the branching points. ●Potential driver genes/mutations are mapped along the tree if available.
●Somatic mutation landscape of cancer related genes in the study.●Each row represents one patient; each column represents one cancer gene.●The heat map indicates the presence and classification of a mutation or its absence (gray) in each patient.
●Heatmap of the top enrichment clusters, generated by the trunk mutation gene list of each patient in the study.●Each row represents one cluster; each column represents one patient.●The discrete color scale represents statistical significance.
●The Circos plot shows the functional overlaps of genes that share the same ontology term.●The arc annotation is the same as in the left Circos plot.●Blue lines link the different genes where they fall into the same ontology term.
●The Circos plot shows the overlap of the trunk mutation gene list of each patient.●Each outside arc represents the identity of a gene list; each gene is represented as a spot on the inside arc.●For the inside arc, dark orange represents the genes that appear in multiple lists; light orange represents the genes that are unique to that gene list.●Purple lines link the same gene that shared by multiple gene lists.
●Enrichment network visualization for results from the multiple trunk mutation gene lists in one study.●Each term is represented by a circle node, where its size is proportional to the number of input genes fall into that term, and the color represents its cluster identity.●The edge links terms with high similarity; the thickness of the edge represents the degree of similarity. ●Click the picture, more details of the network by cluster can be illustrated.
●The same enrichment network as the above network figure, and has its nodes displayed as pies.●Each pie sector is proportional to the number of hits originated from a gene list.●The color code represents the identities of trunk mutation gene lists.●Click the picture, more details of the network by counts can be illustrated.