Series ID PubMed Title Authors PunMed ID Samples
GSE10092Identification of copy number gain and overexpressed genes on chromosome arm 20q by an integrative genomic approach in cervical cancer: potential role in progression.Scotto L, Narayan G, Nandula SV, Arias-Pulido H...18506748100
GSE11573Chromosomal signatures of a subset of high-grade premalignant cervical lesions closely resemble invasive carcinomas.Wilting SM, Steenbergen RD, Tijssen M, van Wieringen WN...1914758052
GSE1715Gene dosage alterations revealed by cDNA microarray analysis in cervical cancer: identification of candidate amplified and overexpressed genes.Narayan G, Bourdon V, Chaganti S, Arias-Pulido H...1724316529
GSE17403Multiple platform assessment of the EGF dependent transcriptome by microarray and deep tag sequencing analysis.Llorens F, Hummel M, Pastor X, Ferrer A, Pluvinet R...216997002
GSE21025Intra-tumour genetic heterogeneity and poor chemoradiotherapy response in cervical cancer.Cooke SL, Temple J, Macarthur S, Zahra MA...2106339819
GSE27673Gain and overexpression of the oncostatin M receptor occur frequently in cervical squamous cell carcinoma and are associated with adverse clinical outcome.Ng G, Winder D, Muralidhar B, Gooding E...1751658537
GSE29143Cervical carcinoma-associated fibroblasts are DNA diploid and do not show evidence for somatic genetic alterations.Corver WE, Ter Haar NT, Fleuren GJ, Oosting J...22042555121
GSE29244Amplified genes may be overexpressed, unchanged, or downregulated in cervical cancer cell lines.Vazquez-Mena O, Medina-Martinez I, Juarez-Torres E, Barron V...2241290384
GSE30155Chromosomal profiles of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia relate to duration of preceding high-risk human papillomavirus infection.Bierkens M, Wilting SM, van Wieringen WN, van Kemenade FJ...2202076253
GSE5049Whole genome tiling path array CGH analysis of segmental copy number alterations in cervical cancer cells.Lockwood WW, Coe BP, Williams AC, MacAulay C...170963508
GSE52901Impact of gene dosage on gene expression, biological processes and survival in cervical cancer: a genome-wide follow-up study.Medina-Martinez I, Barron V, Roman-Bassaure E, Juarez-Torres E...24879114112
GSE52902Impact of gene dosage on gene expression, biological processes and survival in cervical cancer: a genome-wide follow-up study.Medina-Martinez I, Barron V, Roman-Bassaure E, Juarez-Torres E...2487911415
GSE6473Integrated genomic and transcriptional profiling identifies chromosomal loci with altered gene expression in cervical cancer.Wilting SM, de Wilde J, Meijer CJ, Berkhof J...1861871515
GSE76911Integrative genomic and network analysis identified novel genes associated with the development of advanced cervical squamous cell carcinoma.Roychowdhury A, Samadder S, Das P, Mandloi S...2764150612
GSE8605Combined array-comparative genomic hybridization and single-nucleotide polymorphism-loss of heterozygosity analysis reveals complex genetic alterations in cervical cancer.Kloth JN, Oosting J, van Wezel T, Szuhai K...1731167620
TCGA-CESCAnalysis of copy number variations for CESC using Affymetrix SNP6.0Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network, Albert Einstein College of Medicine...28112728295
Cervical cancer copy number aberrations database. 2025 Cai Laboratory