MethCNA: a database for integrating genomic and epigenomic data in cancer
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MethCNA is a comprehensive database for the integrated analysis of DNA methylation and copy number alterations in human cancer. Currently, the database contains about 10,000 publicly available tumor samples interrogated by Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip. The Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip is based on similar biochemical reaction principle and technology as the single nucleotide polymorphism arrays, and is able to robustly detect CNAs as a no-cost byproduct of methylation studies. The raw array data were collected from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) databases and preprocessed with processing pipeline.

Genomic & Epigenomic Data Integration

MethCNA is a resource for large-scale integration analysis of genomic and epigenomic data in human cancer. The integration of different omics data types is an important approach for understanding the fundamental mechanisms of cancer development. DNA methylation and copy number alteration data from the same tumor specimen may allow the identification of synergistic mechanisms for the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes or the activation of oncogenic pathways. The efficient mining of these datasets may provide valuable insight into the underlying molecular bases of oncogenesis, and facilitate to identify driver from passenger alterations.

Data Processing Pipeline

The raw signal intensity data (.IDAT) files are reanalyzed to obtain normalized data. The data processing pipeline integrates a collection of widely used R packages, including ChAMP, CopyNumber450kCancer and minfi. It comprises several analysis steps, including normalization, quality control, batch effect analysis, copy number aberrations calling, detection of differentially methylated regions, baseline correction and so on. The regions of CNA and the sites of aberrant CpG methylation are deposited in MethCNA and user-interface are developed.

  Database Contents  

Table 1. The Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip array integrated in MethCNA

Cancer Type TCGA GEO
Sample Series Sample Series
Acute myeloid leukemia 0 0 88 3
Adrenocortical carcinoma 80 1 0 0
Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor 0 0 150 1
Bladder urothelial carcinoma 419 1 0 0
Breast invasive carcinoma 796 1 316 3
Cervical cancer 309 1 0 0
Cholangiocarcinoma 36 1 0 0
Colon adenocarcinoma 316 1 104 2
Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma 0 0 25 1
Esophageal carcinoma 186 1 0 0
Glioblastoma multiforme 153 1 72 1
Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma 530 1 0 0
Kidney Chromophobe 65 1 0 0
Kidney renal clear cell carcinoma 325 1 46 1
Kidney renal papillary cell carcinoma 276 1 0 0
Liver hepatocellular carcinoma 380 1 0 0
Lung adenocarcinoma 475 1 164 1
Lung squamous cell carcinoma 370 1 0 0
Medulloblastoma 0 0 119 2
Neuroblastoma 0 0 32 1
Oligodendroglioma 0 0 46 1
Ovarian adenocarcinoma 10 1 345 3
Pancreatic adenocarcinoma 185 1 167 1
Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma 184 1 0 0
Prostate adenocarcinoma 503 1 20 3
Rectum adenocarcinoma 99 1 6 1
Sarcoma 265 1 0 0
Schwannoma 0 0 40 1
Skin cutaneous melanoma 473 1 160 2
Small cell lung carcinoma 0 0 11 1
Squamous cell skin carcinoma 0 0 7 1
Stomach adenocarcinoma 396 1 0 0
Thymoma 124 1 0 0
Thyroid carcinoma 515 1 0 0
Uterine carcinosarcoma 57 1 0 0
Uterine corpus endometrial carcinoma 439 1 0 0
Uveal melanoma 80 1 0 0
Total 8046 28 1918 30
© 2017 Cai Laboratory.  Last updated on 30 December 2017