MethCNA: a database for integrating genomic and epigenomic data in cancer
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Sample ID      Examples: GSM1194479 (Pancreatic adenocarcinoma) ; GSM1588742 (Melanomas)
 Click here to download a list of all tumor samples.
    Visualization options:  
    Signal value for genomic gains >= Color for genomic gains:  
    Signal value for genomic losses <= Color for genomic losses:  
    Call for hypermethylation, delta beta >= Color for hypermethylation:  
    Call for hypomethylation, delta beta <= Color for hypomethylation:  
    Gene symbol(optional):    

  Gene Examples: F2RL3 gene promoter in GSE66836 (Lung adenocarcinoma) ; GPER promoter in GSE60185, GSE66313 and GSE69118 (Breast invasive carcinoma)
  Cancer type:    Series: 

Gene symbols:   
(delimit by ";") 

    Click here to get the gene list      
  Signal value for genomic gains >=  
  Signal value for genomic losses <= Method to evaluate methylation level:
© 2017 Cai Laboratory.  Last updated on 30 December 2017