Full name: SEPSECS antisense RNA 1 (head to head) Alias Symbol: 
Type: non-coding RNA Cytoband: 4p15.2
Entrez ID: 285540 HGNC ID: HGNC:27737 Ensembl Gene: ENSG00000281501 OMIM ID: 
Drug and gene relationship at DGIdb


Expression of SEPSECS-AS1:


Dataset Gene EntrezID Probe Log2FC Adj.pValue Expression
GSE17351 SEPSECS-AS1 285540 1559479_at 0.3536 0.6114
GSE26886 SEPSECS-AS1 285540 1559479_at 0.2259 0.1385
GSE45670 SEPSECS-AS1 285540 1559479_at -0.0006 0.9977
GSE63941 SEPSECS-AS1 285540 1559479_at -0.1548 0.3779
GSE77861 SEPSECS-AS1 285540 1559479_at -0.0265 0.8588
SRP133303 SEPSECS-AS1 285540 RNAseq -0.2129 0.3441
SRP159526 SEPSECS-AS1 285540 RNAseq 1.2428 0.0233
SRP193095 SEPSECS-AS1 285540 RNAseq 0.1790 0.2873

Upregulated datasets: 1; Downregulated datasets: 0.  


Copy number change of SEPSECS-AS1:


Dataset Gene EntrezID Gain Loss Normal Detail
GSE15526 SEPSECS-AS1 285540 0 18 12
GSE20123 SEPSECS-AS1 285540 0 17 13
GSE43470 SEPSECS-AS1 285540 0 15 28
GSE46452 SEPSECS-AS1 285540 1 36 22
GSE47630 SEPSECS-AS1 285540 1 19 20
GSE54993 SEPSECS-AS1 285540 10 0 60
GSE54994 SEPSECS-AS1 285540 4 11 38
GSE60625 SEPSECS-AS1 285540 0 0 11
GSE74703 SEPSECS-AS1 285540 0 13 23
GSE74704 SEPSECS-AS1 285540 0 11 9

Total number of gains: 16; Total number of losses: 140; Total Number of normals: 236.  


Somatic mutations of SEPSECS-AS1:


Generating mutation plots.


Highly correlated genes for SEPSECS-AS1:


Showing all 9 correlated genes with mean PCC>0.5.

Gene1 Gene2 Mean PCC Num. Datasets Num. PCC<0 Num. PCC>0.5

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