Full name: protein phosphatase 3 regulatory subunit B, beta Alias Symbol: PPP3RL
Type: protein-coding gene Cytoband: 9q31.1
Entrez ID: 5535 HGNC ID: HGNC:9318 Ensembl Gene: ENSG00000188386 OMIM ID: 613821
Drug and gene relationship at DGIdb


PPP3R2 involved pathways:

KEGG pathway Description View
hsa04010MAPK signaling pathway
hsa04020Calcium signaling pathway
hsa04022cGMP-PKG signaling pathway
hsa04114Oocyte meiosis
hsa04310Wnt signaling pathway
hsa04360Axon guidance
hsa04370VEGF signaling pathway
hsa04380Osteoclast differentiation
hsa04650Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity
hsa04660T cell receptor signaling pathway
hsa04662B cell receptor signaling pathway
hsa04720Long-term potentiation
hsa04724Glutamatergic synapse
hsa04921Oxytocin signaling pathway
hsa04922Glucagon signaling pathway
hsa04924Renin secretion
hsa05010Alzheimer's disease
hsa05014Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
hsa05031Amphetamine addiction
hsa05166HTLV-I infection


Expression of PPP3R2:


Dataset Gene EntrezID Probe Log2FC Adj.pValue Expression
GSE17351 PPP3R2 5535 231304_at 0.0927 0.6256
GSE26886 PPP3R2 5535 231304_at 0.0054 0.9639
GSE45670 PPP3R2 5535 231304_at 0.0671 0.3421
GSE53622 PPP3R2 5535 31586 0.1270 0.1337
GSE53624 PPP3R2 5535 31586 0.2057 0.0249
GSE63941 PPP3R2 5535 231304_at 0.0824 0.6870
GSE77861 PPP3R2 5535 231304_at 0.0107 0.9155

Upregulated datasets: 0; Downregulated datasets: 0.  


Survival by PPP3R2 expression:




Note: Click image to view full size file.  

Copy number change of PPP3R2:


Dataset Gene EntrezID Gain Loss Normal Detail
GSE15526 PPP3R2 5535 4 10 16
GSE20123 PPP3R2 5535 5 9 16
GSE43470 PPP3R2 5535 6 3 34
GSE46452 PPP3R2 5535 6 13 40
GSE47630 PPP3R2 5535 1 17 22
GSE54993 PPP3R2 5535 3 3 64
GSE54994 PPP3R2 5535 9 11 33
GSE60625 PPP3R2 5535 0 0 11
GSE74703 PPP3R2 5535 5 3 28
GSE74704 PPP3R2 5535 2 6 12
TCGA PPP3R2 5535 28 21 47

Total number of gains: 69; Total number of losses: 96; Total Number of normals: 323.  


Somatic mutations of PPP3R2:


Generating mutation plots.


Highly correlated genes for PPP3R2:


Showing all 10 correlated genes with mean PCC>0.5.

Gene1 Gene2 Mean PCC Num. Datasets Num. PCC<0 Num. PCC>0.5

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